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Thursday, January 31, 2008 . 7:49 PM

So, somehow Ms Fox hasn't marked mine yet. According to Ryan she only puts marks in a chatbox so I'm going to apply for one now. Hopefully this will work.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008 . 3:54 PM

Mam the postings are all labeled 'this is it.' There are five; you can choose any three because all are equally lousy.


Sunday, January 27, 2008 . 5:29 PM

Heh. Internet can't do it but my lowly phone can.. So.. the one on the left is the poor tree which is surrounded by white walls barring one's vision of the construction.. and the demise of the tree(s)... The one on the right is my school crest. Nil Sine Labore- Nothing Without Labour. Anyway I somehow like keeping a online journal after all. How sad.
Yesterday I got it into my stupid head that I could actually do something about my shower. The showerhead is new, AND leaky, and the holder is the previous one, at least 5 years old. Most likely more. So, I got it into my head (I'm redundant) that I could change the bloody old holder to the new one.

So I started work last night and I suscessfully screwed out the bottom screw within seconds. Then I turned my attention to the upper screw. I used all my strength as both screws were rusty. So this screw.. turned... a few nanometers. And I became very angry and found more strength, SOMEHOW to screw it a little more... Then a little more... THEN a little more.... and after 2 hours my mom was complaning that she wanted to bathe and I was inside and my palms, both of them, were raw and red from pushing the screwdriver. Screw the resty screw. So I got out of the bathroom. Forgetting to replace the bottom screw was a mistake. Those who went in after me complained that the showerhead was at an angle. Not surprising.
Just now I replaced the bottom one with a new screw. My aim was actually to replace the whole holder, but the screw--- THe bloody rusted screw>>_____<<>
Last Friday was a half day due to the O-level results being surperbly great. No usual chanting of 'Half day! Half day! .. " . Guess we were all waiting for the principal to finish his speech. But we were all certain of a half day. Me? Only after putting the usual burden in my bag and arriving in school to hear the news. LOL. So there was only 1 hour of school. I met up with my friends after that to do a maths project which is to be handed up tomorrow... and one guy broke his neck last last week and idiotically could actually come but gave some lame excuse. Then I spent an hour slacking at the table tennis table.. lol.. cos my other friend was to go to the staffroom for some thing.
So me and my other friend watched the table tennis players for an hour.. Then we went to play table soccer. For another hour. Then we went Parkway to eat lunch. I spilled the medium coke of my friend's on the floor.. So we discussed... and found out that we didn't have the math assignment worksheet with us. So the only thing we could do was to buy a board. Then we went back to school to try and figure out something. Perhaps someone was also doing it and we could lent the worksheet.
FAT HOPE! Nobody was there.. So we went to the hostel and played a few more games before leaving. Hah.
Well well, Ryan finally did something to my blog. congrats.

Friday, January 25, 2008 . 9:55 PM

hope u like this new blogskin. Oh and cbox u GO GET URSELF LAH okay? And thats all im doing for ur blog, delete this when read...

Thursday, January 24, 2008 . 9:45 PM

Wah lao AJ something wrong one la! Girls discrimination... Lesser muscle what! Girls need to have nice figure one u know.. Winkwink Nudge Nudge
Today the bus something wrong 1. Go inside the scanner all got red light cannot use; sit down the doors never close... Luckily after a few stops the thing functioning liao and door also close. I sleep all the way.. past my bus stop by a bus stop. I'm redundant, using bad English. I don't care.
Also ah, today ah, 'O' level result come out. My sister got into VJ! YAY! Lol.. she ask me write 1. Definitely cannot beat her 1 la...
Then ah, yester day huh, got Mr Low principal come talk some thing about duh.. um.. Oh ya VS caning boys. Lame one sia.. Got some stupid video post on YouTube tm that some idiot boys use ruler cane other boy.. then laughlaughlaugh... They say I spastic the boys in vid even more lah! eh... I dun want post vid cos I too lazy.. go YouTube search urself lor.
ALSO AH, today got some guy come during EL lesson to give some talk on blogging. Yah like this blog. So I like the guy cos can waste lesson time.. He'll be back..
.......So ah, this guy talk about blog. Yah. And some cyber awareness crap.. I also know liao lor... And then cyber predator... Pedophile.. Offensive thing in blog.. suspension.. Come on lah!!! Somore got what ah?? Oh ya what ah.. Oh ya some illegal downloadthing. Everyone also download 1.. Lol... But I don't lah. Hate songs.. Dunno what's linkin park.. AYAH TMD NO TIME LE LA BYE

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 . 5:07 PM

Ryan's down with fever. This is why the commonwealth essay I asked him to help me print is still not delivered to Ms Fox. You haven't marked yet right? Well my sparsely furnished blog is also Ryan's fault, too.....

Sincee I borrowed the fishing mag I fell in love with the beatiful boats. CABO yachts is nice. www.caboyachts.com and fountainpowerboats www.fountainpowerboats.com . So unoriginal names... If I have the money I'll buy them. But some problems exist. 1: My parents won't let me. 2: they are located in the US, both of them.

Chinese neww year is coming soon. There's one nice fella who keeps sending my dad a hamper, year.. after year... after year. I don't mind, of course... But my family seems to take big occasions not seriously. At christmas we don't have christmas carols or turkey or even pork or chicken. At easter we pass by it as if it's just any other day. At National Day we stay at home and sulk. At Chinese New Year we don't spring clean, we don't decorate, we don't have plans, we don't put those sweet- holders on the table. At least there are sweets. And at least there will be the ang pows and so on and so forth.But I don't get to keep the money. It gets stored into a shared bank account and my parents can withdraw it. How could they! It was, after all, meant for me. Humbug.

Monday, January 21, 2008 . 3:53 PM

Firstly, Anjie got knocked down by a lorry. He broke his collarbone. W00t! no la,...
Secondly,... eh? On yeah. Me and Jin Xiang trashed up sec 1s who spinned at the table soccer machine. NOthing else.
Thirdly...eh.. what? Eh... DUH>....< I got MY OWN COM! almost, anyway. and its not a laptop.

Saturday, January 19, 2008 . 8:45 PM

Okay this is the LAST POST. Ms Fox you can take any of the five posts. I think all are titled 'This is it.'. This is because I myself don't know which one is good; all really are equally bad.
So, this last post is about me. As usual. Anyway, the poor strangler fig tree is definitely gonna go. And, the condo stretches very long and wide. I hope that the estate I live in will faster en bloc so I won't have to see the thing being built and hear the noise. Also somehow I don't think that this is personal recount, but--

Last year when I went to Pattaya, Thailand, for a choir competition, we had two day's worth of shopping. I bought a fishing rod somewhere, collaspible. I wanted to use it back in sunny Singapore but the bag containing it and fishing acessories was chuckd into the storeroom. Lately I have been reading some fishing magazine and it fired up my old interests. So last night I took out the forgotten plastic bag and the stuff in it. Looking at everything I managed to assemble it all together but when I wound back my line the line got STUCK. So I cut off the line. Waste of money.. So I cut off the line and tried again, this time using a heavier sinker. It worked. Lesson learnt: Use heavier sinkers.
So today when my father finally came home from mahjong I made him promise him to take me fishing. Weary with sleep he agreed. So next week I'm going fishing! YES! However I didn't buy a anything to keep bait and fish in. Guess we'll have to give it all to oher anglers.

Friday, January 18, 2008 . 8:47 PM

okay fine that didn't work at all.
but that's a version of Phantom of the opera so if you want to see go see. Yes. Whatever. Bloody ryan help me get my pictures back.... and add a song..
Okay I don't care about the posting crap thingy now. I think. And it's not my fault that I can't download videos from youtube and that the pictures are blank right?

Thursday, January 17, 2008 . 9:09 PM

Today we had a fire drill exercise. I think that all schools had it. I was a little annoyed by the fact that it was the last period of the day and the drill would make me late, in a sense. Also last year when the OM announced a fire in the canteen at least we heard a explosion and since my class was near the canteen we could see smoke and flames. This year's exercise had no hint of releasticy around it. I sat in the the new artificial turf school field and plucked out the black grains of rubber which acted like soil and I threw them against my friend's shirt, complaning about the boringness of it all.
The exercise reminded me of fire drills in my primary school. Once the venue for the assembly area was the school field. We laughed all the way there- not serious at all- and sat down to chat. I begun playing with the sand at my feet. I competed with my ex- classmate to see who could gather the most sand. I did and he lost interest and ignored me. I grouped the two piles together, taking sand from the bottom and pouring it on the top. In the end it looked like a minature mountain.
At last, after about ten minutes of sitting on the hot field, the teachers began to dismiss us class by class. When it was my class's turn I stood up stiffly and kicked the pile of sand. It blew away with the wind.
Also, somehow all school have a few ghost stories or the other. Victoria has stories of ghosts in the hostel and throughout the school; my primary school had a resident ghost in the third floor. At PE one time my classmate exclaimed and pointed at the window. 'I saw the skeleton in the lab moving!' she said. I turned back and saw it too. Another blink, and there was no shadow anymore. It seemed as though the thing had not survived the rebuilding of the school; no more sightings any more.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 . 3:57 PM

There is a certain programme in the English department of the school called the English Reading Program(me). Actually there is one in chinese too, I don't know if all the mother tongues have them. So I have already borrowed two books in the past week till this week and read them both. Until the end. So now all I have to do is to pick an assignment in the activity book, do it, and Fin.
Of course, I currently don't have the activity book; threw it away last year. I thought we were going to use new ones 'cos last year I saw Secondary Twos using a blue- backed cover version of the activity book. Similarly I threw away all my physics, chemistry and biology workbooks which are, to quote the science teachers, 'Sold only by Victoria School, questions by Victoria and ONLY THIS COPY.' So I'm at a serious disadvantage.
Last week I borrowed ' The Picture of Dorian Gray'. It was, simply, boring and made me a little uncomfortable for unknown reasons. This week I borrowed... what did I borrow? Ah. 'The Five Little Pigs' by Agatha Cristie. It was amazingly good a mystery novel, keeping the suspense in with a twist at the end. There was a naughty little girl character, Angela, whom I seem to have something in common.
Angela as a girl played pranks on her sister's husband. She put salt in his beer, talked back and even put slugs in his bed. I remember the naughtiest thing I did was when my mother hired a maid. That was about six to seven years ago so it's quite a dim memory.
I somehow hate new things, be it in the past or currently. So I hated the unknown new maid. On her night of arrival I took a balloon, went upstairs, filled it with water and tied a knot. Then I waited until the maid had walked into the hall. I ran down and threw the water bomb at her. -------http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=sm_7vJ2LO2E.After that I can only remember that she cried, a picture of utter sadness and misery. And somehow I could still laugh. I was pretty coldhearted.
Thankfully I like old things. Thus a week or two later I was already, together with my sister, trying to teach the maid English, how to mop the floor. A year later she was buying things from the minimart, like snacks and a sort of 'everlasting bubble', for me and singing me songs to help me go to sleep.
Life is queer indeed.
The llama is llame. So... I don't seem to have anything else to write about. Guess I'm dead... Wait.. Got some lame thing to write about..

adopt your own virtual pet!

Monday, January 14, 2008 . 8:56 PM

Im gonna do the same thing as just now the post i published didn't come out. Stupid. ............................
I guessthat the fracture post was too long. And why does the picture in the previous post not load?! ARGHHH!!!
I get the feeling that the fracture post was too long. And my picture in the previous post doesn't load. Sigh.
This morning the vice principal Mr Minjut, or something like that, talked about the first-aid supplies had already run out in the third week of school. Everyone laughed. Not only because of the way the vice principal said it but because we had been sitting down for two-thirds of an hour. That was the only form of unwinding our sore bodies...
So, it wasn't actually that funny after all. Mr Minjut told us to be careful of how we played our sports. Then he started on a story of how a boy got injured. The boy's wrist bones were broken, and how he was brave enough to not cry. That reminded me of an incident i had back in primary 5 or 6.
I was somewhat fitter in primary school than the present. This was because I visited the Fitness Corner, as I called it, every recess. I could do 15 pullups; now i can do 9. Also there was more free time which is currently being taken up by school assignments like this. And lastly, my bicycle was not spoiled or stolen. I pity all bicycles i buy; my first went missing in Sec 1 and when i bought another 3 months passed and someone else stole it.
So this incident, it happened at the Fitness Corner. I swang around on the steel pullup bars like a monkey, back and forth. It was pretty cooling. Then as I swang higher and higher, taunted by friends, I lost my grip. I swung back, fell about a metre and groaned. I lay there for a few minutes, letting the blackness fade away. When i stood up my two wrists hurt. I was excused from school that day.
My worried father drove to pick me up from the General Office. At the hospital I was told my right ulna or radius bone was broken; a hairline fracture. Two trainees ( I suspected) put a Plaster of Paris on my broken area and one asked me, " How did you get this fracture?" I replied " Swinging around and doing pullups." " How many can you do?" "12 at least." The trainee let out a whistle. I guess he had never encountered such a wierd character.
As after 3 days I was already itching like mad I begged my parents to let me open it. They relented and 2 minutes later I let out a contented sigh and waved my arm around.

I went back to the hospital a week later and was given a new plastic blue cast. That would never come out unless the doctor used a special rotating circular saw to cut it open. I went home, itched, peeled some blue cast off, and drilled dozens of holes in it using a screwdriver. My arm was free again. Back to the hospital; the doctor said that I was very lucky. By then my fracture had healed and I did not need any more casts. What I learnt? Not to be a monkey.

Sunday, January 13, 2008 . 4:25 PM

Yesterday when I walked out from home I walked pass the typical sight. But there was something extra, something I did not welcome. There was a plot of government- owned land beside the MRT station and a few months back there was a sign saying that this land was on sale. Usually I dodge under the old parking barrier and walk up to the station. But the day before the way had been blocked by white metal barriers. Admittedly last week I had seen wooden bars on the wire fences. This week they had added the barriers.

My guess is that some private developer has bought the land. The land is most likely to be converted into a condominium, swimming pool and all. The plot of land opposite it has undergone a similiar fate. Once a little grassland where boys played soccer, it is now a upmarket condominium. My friend lives there and I went there for her housewarming party. Yes, it was nice, definitely, to be in a confortable condominium with all the great things that come with it. But frankly, I would rather have the grassland.

Isn't Singapore supposed to be a green city? Then why are all these open, green spaces being converted into brick buildings? The urban jungle of Singapore is spreading, colonizing green fields. I guess it has to do with the size of Singapore. As there are more people there has to be more buildings. But at least retain a few places where people can relax and unwind.

The condominium- to- be is beautiful; i like it the way it is. There is a fence seperating it into two halves. Nature has taken root there, covering the ground and the fence with green. There is also a magnificent strangler fig tree- at the top of the post. It is old, branches spreading outwards. I think it is a Banyan tree. I only hope they don't cut the tree down. Perhaps i shall be fortunate to capture it on my camera before it falls.
Yes. This is it. My sister didn't want me to use at first and currently she's watching me. So what.

...Yeah so the official blogging started yesterday but there was no time to post anything. As for the things i am supposed to post I don't think I can live up to Ms Fox's expectations. I'm a pretty boring person, quite unlike most others.

So, this assignment. Starts from next post and I'm gonna post my usual crap and then at the end of it all use edit to tell Ms Fox which one she's going to use. This assignment is supposed to be 150-200 words per entry, from 12 Jan to 20 Jan, should demostrate writer's ability to use language features and structures, entertain and inform, include the use of at least one other media other than text, as a personal recount, vivid descriptions, blahblah.

The coverage of my assignment is to allow me to not see my paper and write. Easier, isn't it? So... I'm gonna start.

Friday, January 11, 2008 . 9:25 PM

I feel so tired. The mean sister of mine locked the computer. Her com, to be exact, but now the downstairs computer is locked I have a right to use it. how DARE she! I have a million things to say but since im such a kind, nice boy i shall not say it to her. Firstly: since she is earning her own keep now why not buy her own laptop?! That computer wasn't hers! Talk so much! Go marry and get herself lost! Sigh.. whatever. The official blog posting crap starts tomorrow. I shall have to think of some interesting thing to share about.

Thursday, January 10, 2008 . 5:51 PM

Everything just died.
Okay by now you should have know that muah CCA is choir. Yes i sing. Today was the official first practice of the year/month. And guess what?! I WAS LATE!!!! Blame it all on that bloody Timo. Say his mom will send me to school from his house then in the end his mom dizzy never send i had to RUN 1km++ and possibly more to school, sweating when i reached the choir room. My heart was pumping madly and the Sec 1s looked at me curiously. I went to Timo's house to do a project anyway, and played a online game while i was at it. The online game is Risk, http://www.conquerclub.com . So i met my new juniors. Sec 2 only and a senior! Yay!

Okay back to the point. The junior were okay. One had a particularly squeaky high voice (im in soprano section) and a particularly small body. We "Re-auditioned" again to see if we could still sing Soprano. I was told i could reach a high "D6". 6 stands for whateveridunno. So after some 1 hour of fooling around the juniors came in. One guy named Mel.......(Long name) is half or fully Dutch. Thankfully Singapore is pretty un-tolorant of racism. No riots whatsoever. Oh yeah so Mal or Mel? is a smarty-pants. He has a girlish laugh, which everyone laughed at. I hope his singing is good so he can join, though he wants to join Concert Band. I put CB as my first choice last year, and sadly i didn't get in. But now choir seems good too. Thankfully the day ended 3 hours after, about 2.15 till 4.48. The suffering is in the future.

Actually i hope this can be used as the blog posting school assignment. This is because i don't have alot of things i can talk about. Sigh.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008 . 9:03 PM

Go and publish without writing a word. Editing now. <<>> <_______< Yes there is this thing called the commonwealth essay. Im working on it now. The sad thing is that: 1, my com connected to printer spoiled. 2, the printer spoiled. 3, this com is yellow. Don't ask me why. I dunno. 4, this caused me to place wrong army in a online risk game.
Bloody hell.

Okay so there is this commonwealth essay. I'm redundant. There are 6 topics and i having hard time choose. TMD just pick one also cannot get one. Ryan nice blogskin Ffer help me leh.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008 . 9:36 PM

Barry has threatened to sue me for copyrights or plagarism. He might not have read this post tonight 'cos he has slept but tomorrow night he'll see it. To avoid any 'jacking' i will comply. Just wait.

Monday, January 7, 2008 . 5:09 PM

Oh yeah. I know how to create link! YEAH!

* B.T.W. the serious blog posting should start next week. Adios. Whatever.

Sunday, January 6, 2008 . 2:32 PM

Hey this isn't nice. 4 days old this blog is (right?) and nobody came yet. Please note that all previous posts have nothing to do with my assignment whatsoever. Also my com crashed and i am using father's laptop. And i am Sec 2 and i feel really sad. The carefree days are over. Add 'Ton Of Homework' to everything. To Barry or fellow mates. please post comment and links to everyone's blogs. Thnks.

Friday, January 4, 2008 . 5:50 PM

So. this blog is named foosball spazz. Foosball = table soccer to me. What you do? okay you insert a dollar, pull a handle and out comes some balls. put one inside and use some rods with TPM (Tiny Plastic Men) attached to kick the ball around. Simple eh. It does not involve running other than to the toilet/ change coins. In other words it is THE perfect sport and should be taken up by my school. Period.


Okay text colour. Um.. i have many people who added this pathatic blog to their links. I dunno how to add. Someone help make comment how to do? And change template?
Eh. This blog is solely for school purposes and will be deleted soon after. Yay. okay how do i add music to this blog like my friends?

Will get back later.