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Friday, February 29, 2008 . 10:14 PM

The man smiled and shook the opponent's hand after the competition. I, the cameraman, zoomed in on the hand by accident. Meant to point it at the face. But it proved to be just as well, annyway. Before my eyes the man disintegrated. He stll looked human but his whole body seemed to be fizzling. Tiny dots were jumping onto his opponent and the narest people. I stumbled back and ran out of the Games as fast as I could.
That was the start of the Nanowars. A war between the creation and the creator. Nanobots and humans.

Chapter 1****
It all started with a scientist. Somehow most stories involve super brains. I wonder why. Anyway, this scientist was researching on nanoparticles. Suddenly it dawned on him that if he created a nanobot which could live inside humans, reproduce and unblock cholosterol-laden arteries, it would benifit humankind. Alot.
The scientist, Mr. David Blane, walled himself up in his laboratory and spent many a night using a handheld device(which sent signals to a robot which mimicked his every move) to try and position his nanobot component in the exact position.

Mr. David Blane had inherited a vast fortune from his father very recently. Mr. David Blane S.R was a banker, stockbroker (the legal one) and real estate dabbler. His lucky dabblings, investments and job reaped some few million pounds for his family, out of which most went to his only child.

The recluse scientist lived far away from the UK, only going back to celebrate Christmas every year. His home was in the Bahamas. A cosy little island, with wife and children and his beloved laboratory.

After a year's worth of working away at the damned nanobot he finally created two working ones. They were only visible through his electron microscope and were made up of metal parts a few atoms thick. Elated, the man continued and produced thousands more. He packed them into vacumed plastic bags, each containing precisely a thousand. Just right for an adult human. The bots could last for ever, if the bodies they resided in could last that long.

He hired a company to advertise his product to medical companies. At the current point he had spent about a tenth of his inheritance on that already. His wife looked on with disapproval, then went back to relaxing in the spa.

Like his father David Blane j.r was reaping the fruits of his hard work. He had patented his idea, although inferior companies tried to mimic his. However he made a seal on the packet which was so sophisticated that no-one else could copy it. He had thought of everything beforehand.

David Blane the millionaire was now a multimillionaire. The cash kept rolling in and he bought the surrounding islands as tourist resorts(to keepp earning more?!) and one to protect the wildlife. After all, one had to give back to society.

Chapter 2*****
David Blane went on to develop smarter nanobots as the next decade flitted by. Now they were like smart viruses which used a very small amount of human blood to reproduce and for a energy sourse. It became more organic than tiny pieces of metal as the nanobot actually broke into a living cell to reproduce. However the organic nanobot performed much better than its predecessor. And people were not complaining, they were much healthier, and Mr. Blane earned more than ever.

After several years of peace and contentment David Blane's whole name came crumbling down.

(This is not complete; anyway the entire thing looks like crap. I could configure it to be an autobiography of the photographer.)

Monday, February 25, 2008 . 8:22 PM

China VS U.S (no ill intentions intended)
More shit. Woo. Yay.

Bent double, with schoolbags weighing a ton
Eyelids droop down.
Brains click and whirr as though gears
Mechanical arms reach and grab paper.

A test! A test!-- A sudden exclamation.
Twilight before figures trudge home
Projects to hand up
Tests to study for

Pens out! Start time to stop: 30 minutes.
Feverish they write, aware of Time's passage
The bell rings. Everyone starts.
Stop writing! Out! Don't cheat!
The innocent boy has wide open eyes.

Exams over. The happiness brims over and becomes noise.
Talk over online games and gadgets.
They rejoice.

The day of relevation.
Hearts beat faster than usual.
Most are sad and bash the wall; some gloat.
Swears to study hard. Explanations.

Holidays begin. All sleep; all drunk with fatigue.
Meetings with girlfriends. Dumps. More swearing.
Fun at beaches. Overnight at houses.

A new term starts. Everything repeats.
Such is life.

Thursday, February 21, 2008 . 9:36 PM

- my pathatic exam.

The boy closed his eyes. They stung a litte, though he hadn't cried. He would not cry. He will not. It was as though he had been looking at the telly for too long, though this was because he had been looking at the exam paper for too long.

He opened his eyes after a moment's rest. There was no time to waste. The open-ended comprehension part was difficult. He was average, granted. But he had revised. He had done the nessary preparations. Everything else was fine, except for that treacherous part.

Something in him had wilted after his first look at the comprehension. His heart had stopped for a moment, then resumed it's beating again. Only much faster. He couldn't help thinking that Chinese was very hard. He had done all the other questions in the paper. Only the six questions stood in his way to the finish line. But these six obstacles were tough. Astromically tough.

He read the passage with some drowsiness. Some tiny part of his mind was floating away, abandoning his body. He couldn't focus on the passage. The words didn't register in his mind.

Four more questions left. Five more minutes to rush them. He began hapzardly writing Chinese characters which amounted to only a sentence in the blanks. The teacher spoke. 'Alright,..' His heart and hand froze, body muscles tensing. 'I'll give you two more minutes. Five minutes left.' He relaxed. And began furiously doing work again.

He checked his stopwatch. One more minute. The teacher spoke again. 'Okay, time's up. Put your pens down.' What?! There was one more minute! He groaned inwardly, felt the hot blood rush to his cheeks.Felt the tears coming. They didn't come.

The teacher began collecting the papers.

'You can go now.' A rush to the two exitsout of the classroom. But he stayed back a little while. So did his two friends. They shook each other's shoulders and talked in stutters; they were that excited.Did you leave two questions? I left one; you? Hey, let's go. There's still the field trip now. Yeah, fine. He took the books under his desk and hurried after his friends.

As he ran off he didn't notice his change of clothes still underneath.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008 . 5:04 PM

-partly based on my very recent encouner with a dog

The stranger walked past a house, one of many in a row he had just walked past. He wore casually on Sundays. In each ear were an Ipod's ear pieces. He nodded his head to the music.Trudging along, backpack weighed down by the week's shopping. He was a young bachelor and lived alone. His relatives had all passed away. As he passed the particular house a sudden high-pitched barking came. He started, then continue on his way. Then as he liked dogs he stopped for a little while, debating with himself. Finally he turned back. The dog was still incessantly yapping away. As he looked closer he saw the dog's tail wagging away furiously. Obviously the poor sad dog was very lonely t home.
The stranger took out a slab of somewhat frozen meat which was meant for his dinner. Oh well. He looked around, trying to find a broken off tree branch. He found it. Then he poked the slab on it skewer style. He threw the makeshift rod into the house, just slghtly above the litte dog. It smelt food and jumped up. Sharp little teeth sank into slightly cold, juicy meat.
The stranger levered the rod and its load back up over the fence. Wrenching it over took a great deal of effort for somebody who sat in a char most of the day. He gave a grunt. Zipping open his bag he took out a lttle rice sack. Acoss the road somebody stared, then walked on. It wasn't his business. Why get dragged into something? I'm innocent.
The dog, chewing at the chunk of meat, suddenly found its food being wrenched away from its jaws. The stranger threw it int the sack. The dog followed. Quick as a flash the stranger tied the bag's opening with a length of rope. The poor animal inside struggled, but to no avail.
At his house the stranger locked the door, drew the curtains and brought the sack into the two-room flat's kitchen. He poured copious amounts of oil into the french-fry cooker. The fire was turned on. Then he fetched a hammer. He used much of his strength to hit the contents of the rice sack. The muffled yapping subsided.
Breathing heavily from the exertion,the stranger opened the sack. There was a blodstained little dog inside. It was stunned. He rolled it in flour and tossed it into the french fry cooker. The cooker sizzled. The stranger rubbed his hands gleefully in anticipation of his meal. He smiled. It was vastly different from his dorky spastic smile at the office. This smile was cruel. His perfect white teeth gleamed. Of course he loved dogs. He loved them fried.
In his room was a collection of dog bones and bits of skin.

Don't call me sadistic!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008 . 6:21 PM

the damned computer just deleted what i just wrote down. I hope to bash it upside down and inside out. %%$&^&**(NBGTRE^TYEARH^I%&OEMRQ#% OMFG POOF BAMM BISH fyhr7RE*$^(W.........hagaga

Whatever, can't be bothered to write it all over again. Just know that i hate choir which makes me damned tired. and that im in sop section. and that im not a gay/ninny/haven't break voice. I can be a bass. They wouldn't let me.

Sunday, February 10, 2008 . 9:11 PM

Just now as I was expelling solid waste into the the toilet bowl I had an interesting thought. I was listening to the Spirited Away theme song and I was daydreaming about a rich man with a beautiful mansion. He is a great lover of movies, of every genre and type- except for one. Horror movies. (I hate them too.) But somehow he had a collection of every single horror movie ever created. The whole works was stored in the basement, far away from his house, in the studio of a cinema he owned. He is living in the U.S, where there's room for everything. So whenever people come to his house during gatherings and parties they'd ask where the horror movies were. He'd reply that they were in the cinema of his. If they wanted he could give them the key. If they stole anything- well, they knew the horriblle consequences. Never- repeat, NEVER- anger Lord Barthermow Grouch. (the grouch part's a nickname.)
So one day a young son of his friend, freshly thrusted into the adult world, visited him. And decided to go to the cinema and watch a movie.

Someone can continue. I never finish my stories and anyway I hate ghost/horror stuff.

If some author actually manages to turn this into a publication then don't forget to thank me. If.
Today I drank two cups of some ume-fruit (whatever that is ) wine. It's known as Choya and comes from Japan. So, as my sis was pouring out the wine into the glasses, I went 'What's that? I want one!' And took a glass. When I drank it it tasted much more like a non- alchoholic sour plum drink vastly diluted. I drank the first glass, about 150ml worth of wine, within 5 minutes while at the computed. It tasted good. I got up, saw the instructions on the wide cap (One part choya, one part water and some ice ncluded), followed it, and then drank it within 10 minutes. Half an hour later my ears started to turn red. Then my face felt hot. Then as I sat down to read a book I saw that some parts of my legs were turning red. Large blotchy spots of red. And then I saw that my arms were becoming like tha too. I felt unbearably hot. So after wrestling with it all for a few minutes and trying to read my stupid book I gave up and took a nap. Thirty minutes later I woke up and found myself cool again. 'Mom, how long did I sleep?' 'Oh, a very short time.' Thankfully there was no hangover whatsoever. I think that tomorrow I'll try it again.

Saturday, February 9, 2008 . 3:42 PM

Forget what japs one did to Singapore during the Occupation. I LOVE THIER ANIME!! KAWAII!!!! -____<' So.. two of my favs are Howl's moving castle and Spirited Away. I love the ending in Hoel's moving castle.Almost enough to make me tear. Not even very soppy Korean dramas can do that.
A pretty long time ago I got it into my pea-sized brain that I was to repair the toilet. (HAVE I TALKED ABOUT THIS B4?!)
I think i talked about it before.
Some time ago also my class began playing table tennis or ping pong. Many people took to the table in the recess period to watch them. I not being so dumb as to waste valuable eating time ate first. So this time as recess was almost over Jin Xiang decided to play like a retard. So sfter each ball fell to the ground regardless of win or loss he went, 'YAHH!!!!' and danced. The bell rang and up everyone went. The bloody guy.
Some days back in D & T lesson there was a class count as not everyone had come up from the sch library. So it started along the other side. '1!' '2!' '3!' '4!' ....
until it came to my turn. My brain was wandering in space so when it came to my turn I laughed and said, 'What?' 'Say your number lah, stupid.' Some angry glances came my way. The second time I was prepared. So.. '20!' .. 'Huh? those in front never say what!' 'Got say lah, stupid. Use your small sized brain. You damn stupid sia.' Yet more glances. I was burning red. Somehow although I'm a guy I usually tear when scolded, be it harsh or soft and firm. So the tears were almost coming out but I blinked them back. The third time there was no noise being made. '20.' '21.' '22.' me? '23!' finally I got it right. But the two asses in frint of me spoke so soft I could barely hear them. Stupid small sized brats. If there were no teacher around I would have beaen them into a pulp and get myself involved in a date with the OM.
My mathematics test was a failure last week. I got 10/20, which is just passed. Talk about being in a good school.. But luckily to cheer things up the last test was 8/10 which is good. That made up for it, right? But the overall would still be 65%. Got to work hard. Must try getting into IP for the sake of my mom.

Also, Ryan, you can change my template to another liao. The grading is over. I suck.
Hmm. Seems like a very long time since I last logged in. Got alot of things to talk about. I'll start with chinese new year. Chinese new year is a time where chinese get together and get invited into other people's houses and receive hong bao/ ang pao. Supposedly one can try not putting money inside; after all it's just a gesture of goodwill. But the person who does this will be seen as a miser.

Friday, February 1, 2008 . 8:36 PM

Edited the $%^%^&& stuff on the blog. Hopefully that'll make it a little less....