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Wednesday, July 30, 2008 . 10:43 PM

national day. =.='

I shall not explain why i wrote 'gotta go' that time. Let's just say that my sis and mom went mad and tried to boot me out and i was emo.

According to Ryan InnQbox is gonna close. He didn't say when. So i die lor. So many decks left, and Ryan dosen't want me to have dealings with his external source of cards. I shall go clarify the rumour with the shop girl and buy a Black Ghost deck. Please, don't let it close down.

Yesterday was very weird. I went to school at 11.30 for Speech Day and we shitted and slacked for half an hour. then we went to eat lunch. Therin insert an air lunch as the food packets were nowhere. So back to the chir room.. then out after an hour or so. Lunch just outside the room. I accidentlly knocked over my spoon full of rice and had to clean up. Which was tedious. The servings were so miserable that I took secondsa. Ryan got there troo late and no more for him, haha.

This was followed by more slacking, practice, Mr Wong in his humongour big slippers barging in to the tenor section, more slacking and getting ready. Finally. Then we went on, off the stage, and i was free to go. Yay. To the table soccer and beyond. (cost me a buck fifty.) So after the exciting matches Jin Xiang and Wang Xu popped up and play abit more. Then nobody accompany me to Parkway so i went myself lor.

At first want to ask the shop girl one but the one who knows me wasn't there. So i went off and bought ice lemon tea and Ricola for dinner. Followed up at home by a cup noodle. Which sucks so completely.

So i went to borrow books at Marine Parade Library. I was reading a achitecture book when my mom called me. But first a little on my hobbies.

I have many hobbies. Stuff like card collecting(the latest), penknife collecting, stamp collecting, coin collecting, origami, cycling, carving, D&T hands-on, sculpturing, blogging (not really. As evident from the slackiness and lacklusture of this blog, blog skin and posts.), playing the piano (gave up after one song. Self-learned from Youtube videos. Forgot how to play liaoz.), flying paper planes, building stuff, architecture (trynig to design my own house now), boats, reading, eating chocolate, collecting wines (hasn't take flight due to my financial position of -$5 every day), going round the world after NS from age 21 ++ to 23,24++, sailing around the world in my own boat, etc, etc, etc.

Back to my mom's call. She said that nobody at home so i have to buy back. Dad went out for golf, that stupid fool who plays too mch mahjong and golf and works too mcuch and snores. Speaking of which he just came back.

So i went to borrow my books. My card loan quota reached. So i was simmering when i weht to customer service and asked to extend my loan quota by twice more in order to borrow. After which i had to figure out how to fit every damed thing into my bag and hand carry which was already bulging with clothes.

At the bus stop bus 13 was stopped somewhere and there was a police car and motorcycle. I didn't know what happened and didn't want to find out so i sat down on the bench and waited for 55. And waited. And waited. whereby it finally came and i went up.

So after that i trudged to kovan to top up my card, then to a nearby hawker centre for my mom's dinner (hokkien mee aka fried prawn noodles.) Then back home. Grand total of at least 2km with a 6kg bag and 2kg hand-carry in tow.

I shall write about coming home later. Too lazy now.
So i have so not adered to my list. I stole funds from the HIPSA shirt (fund?) and bought a normal sized Tiger deck. gotta go.

Monday, July 28, 2008 . 9:18 PM

My card obsession.
Well it seems as though my obsession for cards is not gonna end, ever. I bought the bicycle ghost deck (mini), then 2 Tally-Hos cos one fell out of me pocket, then today a Shadow Masters deck. It's rather new. And the joker rocks like shit. So next week I'm gonna buy the 1800 vintage series, first the blue then the red. Let me plot it out:

wk 1 (nxt wk): vintage blue deck
wk2: vintage red deck
wk 3: centurion deck
wk4: guardian deck
wk5: mini Tiger deck (i wish they sold White Tiger decks.)
wk6: Elephant deck
wk6: tradegy (something like that) deck
wk7: Greed deck
wk8: Pastel Pink deck
wk9: Pastel Green deck
wk10: Pastel blue deck
wk11: Bicycle pro deck
wk12: bicycle plastic deck
wk13-15: bicycle rainbow deck (very very ex)
wk16: the Dog deck (nothing to do with Bicycle and accosiated decks)
wk17: the Cat deck
wk18: bee playing cards (both red & blue)
wk19: oops forgot about split spades. Insert into about wk5. I'm too lazy to do it.
wk20:Stainless steel card clip
wk21-22: Swiss army knife
wk23-24: Metal Swiss army knife
wk25: 'Memory'playng tune music box
OMFG. 6 more months.oops. o.0

Sunday, July 20, 2008 . 8:43 PM

my ACTUaL wishlist
-Foldable bicycle
-Racing bicycle
-Mountain bicycle
-Sofa bed
-air mattress
-bicycle mini ghost deck (bought)
-bicycle tiger deck
-bicycle black ghost
-bicycle elephant card
-bicycle rainbow deck
-bicycle masters edition (blue, red, shadow)
-bicycle rider back
-bicycle 1800 vintage cards (blue & red)
-bicycle green deck
-bicycle plastic deck
-bicycle pro deck
-bicycle white tiger
-music box (memory tune)
-40cm metal rule
-45cm metal rule
-60cm metal rule
-100cm metal rule
-wooden puzzles (ships, watakus, ...)
- remote-op car
-tamiya cars
-Tornado table soccer set (also known as foosball)
-4D puzzle models
-a Billabong wallet
-Hero Harmonica
-Benko Shaking dolls
-Benko handphone sling
-Bee playing cards (blue, red)
-Nikon Coolpix 8.1 megapix camera
-Sony Ericsson 8.1 megapix handphone (not out for sale yet)
-Swiss Army Knife (Victorianox)
-Doll-in-a-doll set
-6-in-1-chess set
-Popular penknife
-NT art knife
-NT penknife
-Olfa stainless steel craft knife
-Split Spades deck
-Viper Tally-Ho deck (bought)
-A giant pencil
-Micro foosball /card holder
-Black tack
-Hellboy II DVD
-A new set of luggage (Polo Victory?)
-Metal die
-Metal die keychain
-Super glue (bought)
-Wine glass
-Carl savings box
-metal card clip
-Acer mini notebook OR
-HP mini note
My wishlist.

I appear to have recovered from the loss of my Viper deck.

So I feel good enough to publish my current and constantly evolving wishlist. But first an update on things..

Lately I've been going home at 8 and sleeping at 2+. The former due to eating dinner outside, then going home for another. The latter due to homework and the fact that I do homework very slowly.

Homework includes a Art animation, explaining why the hell ammonium nitrate crystals will react with aqueous sodium hydroxide upon heating only, sewing for the lazy faggots and forgetting to claim the 100%-me-dunnit thing, a Violence In Sports feature article which was to be handed up today and which i am now doing, future shit. Oh and my EL teacher sucks the world. The only good thing redeeming her is that she can actually put up with our rowdy class unlike our not-break-voice-and-never-will Geog teacher James the monkey.

I'll post the wishlist after I'm done with the feature article.
the crisis has passed

Okaay. So I bought a new deck and went to extremes to make sure no bloody fag steals it/ I drop it this time. And in the meantime I will starve. 4 more days, $10, $2.50 per day. And my piggybank is empty. Sigh.

I am in a very bad mood.
My Viper Tally-Ho Cards are stolen.
It was in my pocket when I sat on the bus.
It dissapeared after I left it.
Someone stole it.
I have lost a great deck and $16.80.
The thief will pay.
I condemn him to enternal damnation.
He will turn claustraphobic.
He will worship the deck.
He will commit suicide.
He will rot forever in Hell.
I will take a voodoo doll and cause him pain.
If I left it on the bus all the better.
Pain is good.
MY dark and twisted mind says so.
It is clever.
Hiding at school and home and only manifesting itself when I am alone.
When all are sleeping.
But I must get another deck.
I will sacrifice food for it.
I will get it.
Card collector's dream- spoilt.

It's very sad.
The Split Spades collection I had been eyeing at Innabox has been sold to someone else.
All of them.
Ryan was going to help me buy.
I called him.
He went to the toilet first.
He came back.
The cards were gone.
I MUST get the cards.
So Ryan, get ready to approach your connections.

Sunday, July 13, 2008 . 6:02 PM


Anw i was wrong. The dead rat's still there. And then the area around it wet, as though the internal organs liquiefied (the rat was nothing but skin and bones, really.)

Also I forgot to add something, oops. Wednesday I think. Mr Wong in class giving answers, the whole class very noisy, and Keeran keep saying 'Sir, sir, how to do? Whatt you say? ...' Then suddenly Mr Wong slapped his hand on the table and said 'SHUT UP!' The metal table rebeverated like dunno what and after a minute the thing ceased but I still felt the vibrations. Mr Wong can be very scary for a man his size(xxxxxl).
Happenings. (taken from inQbox)

Okay. So based on Ryan's prodding and my own desire to blog again, finally, I'm writing this lame post.

Firstly there was a dead rat from several days ago on the route where I walk home. The first time I saw red ants on it and the eyes were devoured. The next day flies were already buzzing and so I gave it a wide berth. Then my pa sent me home the day after. And on the fourth day the thing dissapeared. The family residence which it was very close to (on the back door step) probably had a family living inside it and the said family also probably could not stand the damned thing hanging around and probably decided to get rid of it.

Next. Yesterday was a rather sad day. I got my pack of mini Bycicle ghost cards, granted. But then I was with Jin Xiang, Wang Xu and Ryan for OPWS geog component. Brenny couldn't make it. So we went around, me lugging a huge bag. And we were like the press hounding poor Jin Xiang who incidentally had his bag held interchangebly by us three. So he's lucky. ... So then when were about to vacate Roxy Square and go to the Chinese swimming Club it rained. And so the four of us went to PP again. Then WX and Ryan wanted to go play arcade so since me and Jinxiang forgot to bring homeclothes wo went to CSC (i got an umbrella.) And it stpped raining. Wow. then the sad thing was that Jin Xiang dragged me through the games there and we didn't finish filming the entire place (level 2 left) and I lost $2 or maybe more to games.

Then I went back to Parkway after JX went home to tuition and me and Ryan looked at the cards. When i bought them. When he bought them as well after i did. Then I realised that it was Tuesday not Thursday so my calculated sum of $$ left was to last me 4 not 2 days. Bad thing.

... Then my EZ-link card ran out of money so i had to pay cash. And i needed to top up and i couldn't get to the MRT station on order to do so. Thus i asked my father to send me there (he was coming back from work.) and he said yes. Duh. Whereby i ended up waiting for him at the busstop for one hour plus. And wasted time. whereby I thought fuck, shit, damed it u asshole and alot more profanity. By since that was yesterday I have cooled down somewhat. sigh.

And as for today the geog teacher mr James Ng who resembles a monkey fucked up as usual. At least he finally wrote something on the board for us to copy in addition to giving us notes. At the beginning of the lesson. The dumb coot. And then there was the planting rice song and everyone chanted it (supposed to be SUNG.) So i was basically laughing at the fools around me. Haha, funny. Not. And choir is also sucky cos of the climb evry mountain sops singing off as usual. And they don't even REALIZE IT. And practice changed from friday to tmr. Gotta play solitire now. Then do homework.

The com hung on me so I'm not gonna redo this super short ost. Period.

Friday, July 11, 2008 . 7:44 PM

new day, same shit.

there's nothing to write about anw. ... ... ...

at school the ting xie suddenly change to zuo wen cos of the damn prof. i never learn anw so it's alright but like suddenly change abit what the lor. And then choir i not getting to sing Climb Ev'ry Mountain siann. It's a nice song. and they fouled up at the rehearsal anw.

After that go with Ryan PP there's a card shop there. Which sells other things besides cards. Like vintage toys with 'Made in China' on the back of it and windup musical box things without the box. Then spend all my money on coffee + oreo at the bubble tea shop so tmr dun need to eat liaoz lor. See lah Ryan. Haiz. Then go popular and Ryan shitted about my birthday present. Ask him buy a Hero harmonica for $2.80 also dun want. Show me some crappy kiddy book. =.=

Anw after that going home i saw a dead rat. Body ravaged by brown ants then the eye eaten out one. Ewww.

See, told you nothing one.

OKay the bill just came back(handphone.) Apparently i incurred 41 dollars. And i like never msg nvr call one lah. Singtel sux.

Sunday, July 6, 2008 . 10:30 AM

fill it in urself, i dunt care.

So anw by my hypothesis (and pretty much the entire class) is right and Ms Sharma left cos of the fat guy named Timo. He just lost us a very capable Geography teacher. So thanks to him our grades will drop, those who aspire to go IP might not and those staying till Sec 4 will hhave shit grade in Geog and might lose confidence in themselves.

.....Enough shitty talk. Now let me move on to even more crap. Like how i overslept the past 2 weeks on the bus and had to top up da Ez-link card twice as often. and how i suddenly am so attracted to books again that i borrow a ton, finish in a day and borrow two more tons. Which explains the oversleeping. And bought a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle and am trying to fit it in my schedule. Which leads to the oversleeping and notdoing of homework. oops.