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Wednesday, September 24, 2008 . 10:19 PM

THE LAST OFFICIAL POST........................................

okay. this is just for the last time. Promise.
~ I've grown white hair. Amazing. Zi Yang help me pluck using tweezer from my swiss army knife( Victorianox). It was painful and it felt like gaying cos he pluck damn slowly and Rong Laoshi kept looking my way. It looks like a white nylon string somehow. Cool. It's like i usually dun give myself undue stress. Wierd. Okay fine I've been under alot of stress. Relax, man.

~ The dumb counter is wrong. My birthday is on 7October which is like 13 days away. Something like that. I'm so greedy as to revive this blog for a final time just for birthday presents muahaha. But damn sway cos it's during the chinese exam. and the next day is maths so my birthday i have to sit for a lousy subject and study for a lousier subject. How sad. I dunno why my maths sucks. Ah well. Bye. Dun forget my presents.

Monday, September 1, 2008 . 10:46 PM


Fine. maybe i don't wana kill this blog. i wanna shit about me sis currently. if you are seeing this shit now, tan jialing, may you grovel before me and may the tears of self- pity drench you. haha. as if.

So i want the laptop. fine. she asks me when i need it i say 20 more minutes. after i'm done with me geograpee she happily goes to bathe. fine. i shit around first. she come backk and starts using it while i stone around behind her. fine. she combs her hair and goes on MSN. fine. i get a little uptight. fine. i tell her about it. fine. she says wait. fine. i wait. i stone more. fine. im a statue, fading into obscurity behind her. fine. i wait a little more. i say i need it 'cos i have to wake up early tmr. fine. she says go sleep then. fine. i wait somore. fine. she finlly passes it to me just as my entertaining notions of punching her right in the face almost become a reality. fine. i don't thank her. fine. it's granted given my anger. fine. she screams no manners, fuck shit! fine. i tell her she wasn't considerate cos she's knowingly using MSN when i desperately need the laptop. fine. i start to boil. fine. i waste my time witing this shit out now. fine. i really start to think about killing her.
.. fine.

yes. i guess so, judging from the number of days i haven't posted. ....
i think i'll just leave it here to rot. yeah.

Saturday, August 23, 2008 . 10:21 PM

wahahaha. diao?!!

okay today was relatively good with some bad mixed in. The day started with PT wherein i was almost late. then sweated alot cos play with Isma the pro of course i lose like shit he getting warmed up only. then after that choir kucinta sux but yeah man When You Believe pwns XOXOXOXOXOXO

After choir which was till 4 plus i went to parkway, looked at the cards and bought myself a bottle of ice lemon tea. which i am drinking now. and got to the library for some borrowing. then i took 31 and the same shit bastard who overcharged me was evidently doing the same to some other poor victim. '1.10 please.' bastard. so i sat and slept and when i woke up i realised i got on the wrong bus. so some kindly lady tole be to get off at lallang with her and i did and i took 175 to dolby gout or something like that and looked at me cards. oh gawd the magic hall pwns. it beats InQBox hands down cos its a speciality shop and the display cases were full of decks. woo yeah hahahhaa. The guy was showing some magic trick so i waited. and waited. and waited. he does alot of tricks. so when the crowd finally thins i ask him, 'could i see the engraved card clip?' he takes it out and i say 'im not buying today. next week.' he gives a sour face and go back to the tricks. bastard but at least he sells good cards wahahaha. Then i went to Vivocity to get me Croc shoes. i realised that Crocs are damned ex cos it's $53.45 for one lousy pair. and people buy it. just rubber. wow. and they can also bither to give me one shoe which is worth 26 plus to shit around and try to get a prize. okay. wierd.

Then the guy gives me the croc shoe in a bag so the first thing that came into me head was 'haha i bagged a Croc.' get the stupid joke? okay haha. lol. ..... .....

After the mrt ride to kovan i eat dinner with my father and i tell him the strupid joke. he laughs, i dunno why. and when we got back cos cannot cut hair (barbers all closed), i realised that my raccquet is missing. big time shit. so i owe him 80 bucks for the old one and a new one (obviously not bought yet.) so plus my previous debt it's $99 in total. i'm gonna have a hard time paying offf the damned debt. 5 every week. 20 weeks. woo.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008 . 10:16 PM

im dead.

sigh. i knew it from the moment i started revising for my math exam. i was doomed. and the resuts have sadly proved me right. chem i thought i studied enough and would get good marks in the end 24 over 35. which means about 60+ per cent. on the other hand ryan slack got 30. is this fair..?

Then chinese i was think that i would at least just pass in the end 2 marks less than passing (40). what is this. haiz. and math is the worst. i wish was emo so i can cry/ commit suicide/ cut wrist. unfortunately im not emo so the best i can mamage was a sad grim face for 5 hours straight. where i started laughing at some joke or other. sigh. i can't even be emo. what the hell.

and today chinese oral also die. i didn't study cos of exams last week and homework in between. i fucked up on the passage cos i only read till the first half after that stmble. 'erm.. eh.. oh shit.. uh... okay...' then finally the last sentence and my ordeal was over. till i selected b which was topic 4. school bullies. and my tuition teacher having stolen my notes i didn't read aything, didn't prepare, cocked up again and left dissapointed. werein i got to wang xu's house and laughed and played table soccer and did work. somewhat.

sigh. end it all. the phrase keeps echoing in me head. perhaps i should heed it. i might find a paradise where my parents give me unlimited pocket money, USPC playing cards were cheap like shit, ryan was not so emo and vampiric and more helpful, and basically i get to invent and be a architect. woo.

or maybe i might go to hell for the fact that im a free thinker. actually i believe in everything and anything, be it Amun- Ra, Jesus, Buddha, the Sikh god, Shiva (what can i say? he's in my class), the Norse gods, whatever. haha. ghosts are included in the package. and now, to do more homework and contemplate death, sleep and eternal rest. maybe i'll draw up an online will which hs not been signed by a lawer when things get really bad. like 2 days ago when i was severely emo. and yesterday when i got my resulkts. and today when i got my sesults, and maybe friday when i get my el oral. and......

Sunday, August 17, 2008 . 6:10 PM

fuck my sis.

the bitch set a password. ryan help. i need some cracking software. only cracking; no configurating or bugging too see where i go.


Saturday, August 16, 2008 . 8:31 PM

stupid SBS driver.

okay fine my sis came back and so i had to hurry close the laptop. The desktop is too ravaged by viruses that i cannot open it at all. The moment i do so the virus pops up at 10 per 5 seconds and i want to click on something also cannot.

So anyway.. Fridays test (chem) was good. The only thing is that i forgot the definition of a solution. And when i came back i heard my sis say she lost her phone through the bathroom door. i pity her. i once almost lost mine too on the bus (it rolled out cos the stupid pocket is too shallow)but thankfilly some woman waved to me and gave my phone back, the kind soul. then it's stupid cos my is calle her own number and some bastard replied and he said that it's his friend's. But he can't reply as to what my sis's SIM card is doing insde it. stupid bastard. but my sis still cant do anything about it if the bastard doesnt want to own up.


and today was so sad. my day was ruined by a forgotten wallet. i left it at home by accident and realised it in the car at the crpak. but also i was going to be rather late and so i chose to forgo it. shouldnot have doe that.

So ayway by my father's great driving skill i arived rather early for choir. And thus i regretted takeing my wallet when i had the time to do so. then after choir when i went to parkway , after eating lunch and borrowing books i wated to take a bus to dhoby gout to see the card shop in meridien shopping centre. afer i boarded the bus and threw 55 cents in the machine i was obviously expecting a paper ticket. but the sonofabitch driver asked me for my student card. i said i left it at home. rather obviously since i was paying cash. so the faggot asked me to pay the adult cashprice. ($1.50). i had eaten rather a large lunch with some bottles of ice lemon tea and a 2 dollar sweet thrown in so i had only 60 cents left in the makeshift wallet my father lent to me. so i said i didn't have enough. he said just add your 60 cents inside. i was going to do so when i realised that i would have no money to take the MRT home so i said could i get off the bus. add fucking befor bus in head. he looked at he liker i was dirt and opened the bus doors. i hopped off glad to be rid of the motherfucker. but then i gave him a bus fare for nothing. and i went to the bus stop and checked it was 1.40 so even if i had 1.50 it also scam my money. i tell you whoever is reading this profanity-laden post, if i see him again he's dead. i go SBS website say i pay 55 cents can already. he is nothing short of dead.

anw chuan yuan as usual is fucked up.
i just talked to him over SMS cos hes outside and his phone fucked up so cannot call. he say tmr cannot go his house do project. the damne deadline is monday or tuesday, something like thsat. excuse for shirking aside the project? family outing. 'i cannot abandon my family' or something like that.i told him he's the dumbest ass i ever met if he wants to forego marks for a stupid outing. then i ask him if he come back already can do ornot. he say he come back at 6 at the very least and he wants to sleep. Sleep?! how the hell can it measure to the damned project?! skip a few minutes will die?! add sound can liao!!! he fuck up! ask him wether before he go for outing do or not he never reply. i sent him at 8.59. i think the stupid bastard slept liao. now i know why he so tall. no life, sleep so early. he's like a guy with brawn but not uch brain. especially in this particular sector which has nothing to do with the cerebellum, reflexes, volleyball, chinese or english. i know he doesn't really like me but iwould rather work woth someone else as well. someone who actually doesn't slack. why does work and is cooperative. like ryan althogh at times he's also a bit bastardish. like time wien he refuses to sell me cards or tell me deAler locations. and when he does 'ah.' (meaning noob) often. and i mean just get the fuck over with it lah. we all are very bust people. still got OPWS and oral next week. and studying. and making notes for me. i think tmr i ownself do after my chinese tuition and record my sucky voice and add together. and i pass up on monday and tell Khor that CY slack like fuck shit. fuck the little bastard.